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Dark/Deep Web Misconceptions

I’m sure with all the new shows on TV, especially ones such as CSI: Cyber, you have heard about the deep web or the dark web. There are a lot of misconceptions about what the Deep Web is and what it does. Now, according to the shows on TV, you’re probably thinking the Deep Web is just the place where hacker collectives communicate or where criminals buy drugs, hitman services, firearms, etc. and while it is possible to do all these things (unfortunately, as I do not condone any of these activities), this is not all you can do. The Deep Web isn’t just for bad people doing bad things, everyone can use it. Truth be told, you can’t just click around all over the place without reading first. If you do that, then you’re bound to find something you weren’t looking for, and didn’t want to find. There are plenty of things to do that don’t include illegal activities. Some people just like to talk, there are message boards like 4chan and reddit, there are directories (like wikis) outlining services and hosting directories, and many, many more things to find, and are being created everyday. The one thing that everyone on the Deep Web has in common, regardless of their activities or interests, is that they all favor maintaining their anonymity and privacy. The Deep Web, itself, is the part of the web that isn’t indexed by search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. either because it cant find them or the owner of the site has requested that their site not be indexed. Next time, we’ll have a tutorial post on how to access the Deep Web, but for now, here are some interesting videos about the Deep Web: The Hidden Internet-Exploring The Deep Web (Yes, I know the guy is a little weird, but he knows what he’s talking about.) Intro to the Deep Web Intro to the Darknet TOR Browser to View Deep Web Sites and Protect Privacy

P.S. – If you’re not concerned about your privacy, maybe you should be. Google is no longer just a search engine. They are the NSA’s newest tool. Whether through GPS/wifi in your android phone, or the endless trackers planted on your phone and computer by Google, your every move is being monitored, and recorded. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram give you the opportunity to confess your every move, as so many people freely do thinking only their friends can see. Here are a few movies that expose how to what extent you are being tracked: Terms And Conditions May Apply(2013)

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