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 Helpful Links 

Computer Tutorials/Classes – This is for people who are either not so good at computers or people who want to learn more. This link is Eli the Computer Guy from Youtube, his videos are information without being too boring, they vary from beginner level (very easy to understand for anyone) to expert level (you really have to know what you’re doing). He covers almost every basic part of computers and then some. A few of his series’ topics are Servers, Linux, Productivity, WordPress, Cloud/Virtual Computing, HTML, PHP, and basic programming, Hacking, Networking, Web Marketing, and much more. If you want to get started learning the most about computers in the easiest way possible, this guy is who you want.


TJ’s Free Software Collection – Almost all of these tools are compatible with Windows, and most are Win/Mac/Linux compatible. This is a great collection of all free software for many different tasks. Here, there is software for Web Design/Development, Business/General Productivity, Document/PDF Editing Tools, Data Privacy/Cryptography, Browsing Stealth/Anonymity Tools, Network/Communications, File Search/Recovery, and Virtualization/Cross-Platform use. These tools also come tutorials and videos provided by TJ.



Pipl - This is a Free search service that acts much like an online background check. If you see a handle or username online somewhere, you can type it in here and get all the links to the websites that have that username on them. This also works for first, middle, and last names, emails, phone numbers, and can be filtered by location(city). You can also search yourself to see what anyone in the world can find about you.

 Helpful Links

(Deep Web Edition)

Not Evil, Deep Web Search - One of The Best Deep Web Search Engines. This search engine looks and operates a lot like Google, but it doesnt track you, doesnt bug you with ads, and it works on the Deep Web, thus the name Not Evil, because they acknowledge your right to privacy and don't track you.

Torch, Another Search Engine - The Best Deep Web Search Engine available so far. This search engine usually gives more results, but has just a few ads and offers the opportunity for you to buy ads. Also accepts donations. As far as I can tell, they don't track you.

Pastebin  - This is a mirror of pastebin for the Deep Web. Same concept and functions, just different content.

Imperial Library of Trantor - A mas.sive library of thousands of books in many different languages. If you like to read, this is definately the place for you. You can search by name, author, and languages with the search bar, or you could just browse through until something catches your eye. Once you find a book that piques your interest, the page offers the Author, Publisher, Language, Description, and the option to read it online or download it.

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