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Tips for Self-Improvement

Read Often, Read Well:

This means the more you read, the better you get. This I have learned personally, recently through experience. I never liked reading growing up. There were always better and more interesting alternatives, playing games, watching TV, digging a hole with a stick.

Recently, especially as I have begun to explore .Onionland and Freenet forums and blogs, I have been reading ALOT. All of this reading was usually in little bits and pieces and usually scanned through looking for interesting bits and pieces of information, but it was interesting and therefore fun and as a result became less like work. As I was reading more and more, I didn’t realize at the time but my reading speed began to increase and it was easier to grasp and understand the writer’s thoughts and intentions for writing, which resulted in learning more, faster. I first began to become aware of my reading speed increase when I was combing .Onionland for things that may be interesting, mainly just mapping the the whole thing. I began to find some libraries. Later, I realized I’ve heard alot of people making references to books and movies I’ve never seen before, like The Godfather, and Harry Potter. So, I started looking through the .onion libraries, and found a few good books to start with, one of which being Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (the first one). As I began reading them, I realized that I read them faster and understand more, which makes it SO much more enjoyable. After learning this, I quickly realized it works the same with typing.


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